Serving the Greater South and West Texas Regions

Terms of Use


The use of our website implies that you have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions.


The use of this web site, or use of any contact form for communication with the firm, or any individual member of the firm, does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through any contact form on this website. Transmitting information to Clausewitz Reyes by e-mail, telephone, voicemail messages, texts, faxes, and other forms of communication, does not establish an attorney-client relationship.

By submitting a contact form on this web site, you acknowledge Clausewitz Reyes has no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or we agree to represent you through an engagement letter.

If you are not an already recognized, retained client of Clausewitz Reyes, do not include in your online correspondence any confidential information that you do not wish people outside of our law firm to see. Instead, please call our office directly. All conversations with members of our firm, including paralegals or our client coordinator, are confidential regardless of whether or not you hire our firm.


Transmitting information to Clausewitz Reyes by e-mail, phone calls, voicemail messages, texts and other forms of communication does not establish attorney-client relationship.

Please note that in response to your unsolicited call/email/letter we cannot and do not represent you relating to this or any other matter. Nothing in your correspondence to us or in this message creates any form of attorney-client relationship or any duties or obligations on our part.

Information in your unsolicited call will not be considered confidential.

We will delete the call/email/text after reading/ listening to it.

We advise that you consult with an attorney regarding any claims of legal concerns that you may have including any deadlines that may limit your rights.

You might contact your local bar association for assistance in locating an attorney as we cannot and do not represent you solely through your act of communication.

Please do not forward any additional unsolicited communications to our firm either by phone, text, fax, or e-mail.


This website is solely used for advertising purposes and should not be construed as legal advice.

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