Serving the Greater South and West Texas Regions

Business Law

Why You Need To Hire An Attorney For Your Business

Why You Need To Hire An Attorney For Your Business

How do you know the time has come to hire an attorney for your business? If you’re already in business, the time is now. Business owners need to have someone they can trust with confidential information as well as their business needs. Business lawyers can help assess risk, draw up contracts, and policies and procedures that protect you and your…

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Entity Selection: Here’s What You Need To Know

Entity Selection: Here’s What You Need To Know

As a business owner, you may be wondering which organizational structure is right for your business. With several to choose from, along with a vast number of resources online vying for your attention, trying to decide on your own can be overwhelming, and in some cases, downright discouraging. However, of all the decisions you make when starting your business, choosing…

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How to Start a Business in 4 Steps

How to Start a Business in 4 Steps

Thinking of starting a business? First of all, congratulations! As Business Attorneys, we know firsthand that while the idea of opening up your own shop is exciting, the steps necessary to make that dream a reality can be quite daunting. While you might not be sure what to do first (and then next), these are important steps necessary to ensure…

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How You Can Reevaluate Business Contracts Amid COVID-19

How You Can Reevaluate Business Contracts Amid COVID-19

Over the course of the coronavirus pandemic, all businesses have been forced to adjust how they operate. Given changes in resources, labor, and even the ability to travel, some businesses have been left struggling to fulfill their contractual obligations. Consequently, businesses are left wondering what relief they are entitled to as a result of the pandemic, as well as what…

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Texas Supreme Court Orders Debt Collection and Eviction Proceedings to Resume

Texas Supreme Court Orders Debt Collection and Eviction Proceedings to Resume

Amid the Coronavirus pandemic, the Texas Supreme Court had issued a temporary pause on both debt collection and eviction proceedings. Now, the Texas Supreme Court is saying that these proceedings can resume this month. Translation? Businesses and debt collectors are going to start asking for payment and/or filing lawsuits. What is Going into Effect and When? Evictions The first day…

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How a Business Lawyer Can Help Your Business

How a Business Lawyer Can Help Your Business

As a business owner, it’s important to develop relationships with various professional services that can help your business, financially and legally. Among the two most important are an accountant and, you guessed it – a business lawyer. Whether a new entrepreneur or established business owner, navigating the requirements and complexities of the law for businesses can be daunting for most.…

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